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To follow up on the online tools/resources for daily deals, I wanted to share some tools that I use for health and fitness. I know there are a ton of apps and websites out there, so I'll just include the ones that I use and I'll rely on you all to leave your favorites in the comments!
App and website: My Fitness Pal
This site/app allows you to track your exercise, meals, how many glasses of water you've consumed. It also has a huge database of foods and exercises with the nutrition information already uploaded. The app allows you to scan the QR code of food products for a quick entry into your food journal. You plug in how much you weigh now and what your goal is and it tells you your target calorie numbers and charts your progress. With a stab at social networking, My Fitness Pal also allows you to set up a profile and to interact with others in the community.
Website: Self Magazine
Self has their annual Challenge called the Drop 10 Challenge. Along with subscribing to this program (note, you do not have to be a magazine subscriber to sign up), you get similar tools to the Fitness Pal app. You get food and exercise logs and the ability to chart your progress. The difference is that you also get workouts and meal ideas (including recipes and shopping lists!). You can do your favorite workouts or you can try some of Self's workouts. They have a huge variety and even can customize workouts depending on the part of the body that you want to work on most.They also have a mobile program that you can sign up for where you get daily texts with motivation, workout tips, and eating advice.
Website: Glamour Magazine (you had to know I would include this one, right?!)
Glamour has a What to Eat to Lose Weight Program you can sign up for. The program is 30 days of menus and shopping lists. The nice thing about this program is that the menu is filled entirely with things that you might already eat. Normal things and not just diet-sounding items like quinoa stuffed artichokes (though that does sound kind of tasty!)
Website: Active
Active is a website that allows you to find fitness events such as races, cycling events, etc that are near you. You can put in your zip code and then get a weekly email with events in your area. Along with the events listing, there are a number of great articles about fitness, running, cycling, triathlons, and more, depending on your interests.
Website: YouTube
This is my go-to website whenever I need to know how to do something, from how to edit a picture in Photoshop to how to unlock a bedroom from the outside (genius had me in the room in 3 minutes after watching the video)! YouTube is also a great resource for workouts. This is where I tried my first Tracy Anderson workout and I follow Amanda Russell, who posts a lot of great workouts on her channel.
Website: Hulu
Hulu is a site that streams TV and movies. I watch a lot of episodes of prime time TV that I missed, but I also use it for fitness. You can type in the search bar ExerciseTV and then pick a workout to do. It's a free way of trying out a workout without buying it first.
As I mentioned, I'm sure there are a ton more, but these are my favorites. I'd love to hear yours!
Until Next Time,
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